Friday, October 14, 2016

Top 20 skills you need to develop your career


Communication skills are perhaps the first set of skills that potential employers will notice. From the initial moment you get in touch with them, the employer will be scrutinising the way you behave.

Be it the way you talk over the phone, the way you give them information on email, your resume and cover letter, or the way you carry yourself during the interview, they will be assessing whether you have polished communication skills.

Make sure that you proof read any form of written communication you send them, and take your time to listen to what they ask you (or read their instructions carefully), and answer in well-thought out, grammatically correct sentences. The way you communicate your thoughts should be impeccable, as this is the way they expect you to communicate with colleagues and clients alike throughout your tenure in their organisation.


As much as you think a question/problem presented to you is a piece of cake, be very wary of giving a rushed answer. Take the time to analyse the situation, think of all possible scenarios, and if possible ask for some time to go and do some research to find out more.

Being analytical, but also having strong research skills, differentiates one employee from the other. It demonstrates your determination, your ability to assess different scenarios, and your commitment to be 100% sure before giving an answer to your employer. It could mean the difference between a badly thought out idea and something that may gain the company a huge profit!


An ability to manage multiple assignments at the same time, and being flexible enough to work under ever changing conditions, management, environment and rules is highly appreciated.

In today’s world, a job description is very fluid, and can change shape at any time. An employee that is willing to work under a multitude of changing circumstances is highly sought after.

Being able to adapt from one working environment to the next, or even from one type of assignment to another, is a big advantage. It demonstrates the individual’s commitment to the organisation, and will influence their career progression.



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