Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Dangote Group has vacancy for:

Position:Community Liaison Officer (CLO) 
Job Qualification:A degree or HND in Sociology, Community or Rural Development.
Location: Lagos 
Job summary:The primary role of the CLO is to support the Community Relations Manager in the implementation of a community development and engagement strategy. The CLO will work as part of a team in managing community relations strategy within the Project target areas that will assist local people to: Identify issues and find solutions to their own needs. Work together in taking action on the issues identified, which affect their lives. Support the development of local governance within the community Job Responsibilities Implementation of community development strategy: Work with the Community Relations Manager (CRM) in implementing a community development strategy that has clear guidelines, maintains confidentiality, a mechanism for follow up work and clearly fits in with the aims, objectives and actions for implementation over a 5-year period. Support the CRM during outreach programmes and in developing relations with key individuals and groups in the target areas in the Project host communities.

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