Position: Consultant (Package development,Product diversification and Value Chain)
Job Qualification:PhD or Masters Degree in Agriculture
Job summary:Development of Package of Practices, Training Modules and Tools on Improved and Sustainable Technology Options, Product Diversification and Value Chain Transformation for Sorghum, Maize, Sesame, Dairy and Meat Value Chains.He/she is expected to Increase yields in selected livestock and crop value chains for 10,000 rural farmer households (60% women) and Improve the agricultural business-enabling environment which is responsive to the needs of women, men, and youth members of farmer households. Improved nutrition for vulnerable farmer households, especially women and children.Oxfam works with partners on projects in developing countries, lobbies companies and governments to take into account the interests of the poorest people and campaigns to ensure men and women are involved in decisions on issues that affect their lives.
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