Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Save the Children Group has vacancy for:

Position:Integrated Management of Childhood Illnesses (IMCI) Training Consultant.
Job Qualification:B.SC
Location:Lagos, Kaduna and Gombe 
Job summary:The core intervention of Integrated Management of Childhood illness (IMCI) is the integrated management of the most important causes of mortalities among children- Pneumonia, malaria, diarrhea, measles and malnutrition. In health facilities, IMCI strategy promotes identification of childhood illnesses in the outpatient settings and provision of appropriate treatment and referrals when necessary. Health worker training is a key component of integrated management of childhood illnesses (IMCI) strategy. However, the coverage of health workers trained on IMCI still remains low in many countries including Nigeria.And in order to achieve an appreciable level of IMCI coverage, more front line health workers have to be reached through IMCI trainings.An IMCI is therefore needed to develop and give advisory services towards training and selection process.

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