Wednesday, April 26, 2017

UNICEF has vacancy for:

Position:Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Consultant 
Job Qualification:Advanced University Degree in Social Sciences 
Job Summary:To provide technical support in monitoring and evaluation to EU-MNCHN project, ensuring quality assurance support to project implementation and adequate documentation of progress made against planned results and achievements Assignment Tasks Work with the SMOH, SPHCDA and other partners to support the monitoring and evaluation of EU-UNICEF MNCH Project Systematic monitoring of project results at the State, LGA and Primary health care facilities based on the project M&E framework and agreed theory of Change (ToC) Provide technical assistance to the SMOH and SPHCDA to strengthen the M&E system at the state and LGA levels Support SMOH and SPHCDA in the collation and update of EU–MNCHN project database at the State level. Support the preparation of EU-MNCHN project quarterly, mid-year and annual reports Support state to develop result-based annual work plans with clear measurable targets Support State to conduct quarterly, mid-year and annual reviews and to document progress made against planned results.  
Locations:Adamawa, Bauchi and Kebbi,Nigeria

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