Wednesday, April 26, 2017

UNICEF has vacancy for:

Position:WASH State Consultant -Ekiti State
Job Qualification:University Degree in Civil/Environmental Engineering. 
Job Summary:The purpose of this consultancy is to support the Field Office to assist State and LGA partners in the implementation of sustainable WASH services to achieve planned results under the FGN-UNICEF WASH Programme. The consultancy will be based on UNICEF approved Special Service Agreement (SSA) guidelines and managed by the WASH Specialist Akure Field Office to ensure effective implementation of all the planned WASH activities in the concerned states. Assignment Task Assist the state to strengthen the capacity of WASH sector institutions at State & LGA levels including the LGA WASH Facilitators to plan and implement WASH programme in rural communities. Support the Field Office to organize activities for building capacities of WASH institutions; and review activity proposals from partners for recommendation to the WASH Specialist for approval.  
Location:Ekiti, Nigeria

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